Chapter 8 - The End

Segment 70601: Stored Image Decoder

Naive solution: 3449 cycles, 4 nodes, 21 instructions

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Node 1 stores the current color in BAK and the line length in ACC, generating a raw sequence of color values.

Node 5 breaks the sequence from node 1 into rows of 30 values, and inserts the appropriate control values: starting column (always zero), starting row, terminating -1.

Optimized for speed: 1494 cycles, 12 nodes, 99 instructions

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Solution and writeup by gmnenad.

Nodes 2 and 3 calculate how many pixels of new color are in first line (until wrap or until end of new color), and that value is passed via node 0 for draw. After that node 1 loop for any full line (30 pixels) of that color, and finally for remaining pixels at start of last line.

Node 4 remembers current X for all shapes/colors (it moves it as cursor), and also detect if new line (to reset X to 0) and also pass that new line info to node 8. Node 8 remember Y coord and increase it on new line info from node 4.

Node 5 remembers new color if passed from 1, or pass old remembered color if 1 sends -1 (for other lines of same color).

Nodes 6,10 and 11 draw one line in one row and color only. Node 11 gets width of line (originating from 1 or all way from 3 if first segment), and loop in chunks of 9 (that many MOV -3,DOWN is present in node 10). Node 10 gets X and Y from nodes 4 and 8 respectively, and then draws chunk of line up to 9 pixels long, looping as controlled by node 11.

Segment UNKNOWN: Anti-Tamper Certification

843 cycles, 6 nodes, 37 instructions

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For each input value, IN divided by 27 is written to OUT.R. Every time OUT.R changes, the previous value of OUT.R and the number of inputs since the last change are written to OUT.E. For example, in Test 1, OUT.E could be read verbally as “four twos, seven zeros, thirteen ones, … four twos, two zeros.”

Node 1 calculates OUT.R; Nodes 4 and 6 read from node 1, passing one copy to the output and two copies to node 7. Node 7 compares the current output value to the previous value and either increments the counter in node 8 (by passing a one) or resets it (by passing a negative value).

Warning: this program crashes on the random test if OUT.R changes just before the final -1 input.